favor of the regeneration of the Spanish justice system ineffective and discredited Judges and Magistrates English, continue their meetings to prepare for the strike and those meetings emerged an interesting movement that claims a English judiciary independent and efficient, something almost unprecedented in the history of Spain.
Many of the judges want to go and go on strike, but do not explain or do not dare to explain why they do it. Behind what for many is a rebellion of the gown, there are many arguments, but most confusing and incomplete, which makes hiding the real reason for the riots to justice in Spain: tired of being the most discredited, poor, inefficient and less independent of the powers of State, Justice wants and what is more needs to regenerate.
Asking judges, prosecutors and lawyers for the keys to the rebellion, he concludes that the judiciary in Spain, is so inefficient and so lacking in resources, collapsed and discredited that it has come regeneration time or total crisis. Fortunately, in this moment of extreme gravity, is reacting with the paradox of rebellion against a State that justice is fundamental.
began demanding more resources and modernization, but now they also want to sway politicians, they are like a plague and appointing judges in the great court, hands of the Judiciary Council, the governing body of judges and have infiltrated the judicial system with prosecutors, judges and politicized to the core.
There are thousands and thousands of crimes and awaiting sentence, and thousands of crimes are being released without trial because there are no resources. Citizens and just file complaints, unless the offense is very serious, because they know that reporting is often useless. English society, believes that justice does not work and that is politicized to the bottom. The law is often applied in the interests of the powerful, usually sympathetic to the fury friends and adversaries. To the astonishment of Democrats and legal practitioners, the minister Bermejo came to recognize publicly that the law is applied "as appropriate to the play." The people we are becoming more uncertain each day to see that grow the assaults, kidnappings, rapes and murders. The immigrant population, deeply criminal, has complicated the situation and many foreign criminals caught by police are being repatriated rather than being judged. Although foreigners are only 12 percent of the population, constitute 40 percent of the prison population. Prisons in Spain, are stocked with nearly 70,000 offenders leaving no room for a more just, stop forcing free and unpunished too dangerous types. The dramatic picture of the English justice system is completed with practical impunity almost white-collar criminals, the rich and the politicians and their friends. Finally, the application of the securities is another scandal, because thanks to money, those who can afford avoid jail. It is as if the crime and justice could be bought and as if the machinery of justice to admit being bribed with money.
Among the rebels of the judicial system there are people of all kinds. Most are on strike to stop being "stupid" state, to claim the minimum material Work in the XXI century, computers, personnel and better salaries, but each day there are more who want to use the situation to ensure that the English Constitution is completed and get the healthy goal of justice is no longer occupied by a power insatiable political parties.
citizens, we are hopeless and disgusted with the judicial system, we contemplate with pleasure the strike, perhaps because people are sensing that behind the strike may be born a healthy spirit of democracy regeneration.
A English democrats we would consider ese espíritu de regeneración en los restantes poderes del Estado, convertido, por obra del mal ejecutivo y de una partitocracia indigna y poco o nada democrática, en un monstruo de casi tres millones y medio de miembros, enfermos de obesidad mórbida, integrado por presidentes, diputados senadores, alcaldes, concejales, asesores, enchufados, amigos del partido, colocados, funcionarios y mantenidos, todos ellos distribuidos en 17 gobiernos regionales inmensos y casi 9.000 ayuntamientos, todo un aparato de poder, dinero y privilegios que está fuera de control e imposible de financiar, a no ser que se esquilme a los ciudadanos con impuestos y tasas cada día más injustas y onerosas; como ya está pasando en muchas ciudades.