Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How To Conglaturate Wedding

Democracy?, Is this democratic?

Democracy, a word of Greek origin (demos, people, and kratos, government, authority). Can be defined as "the political doctrine in favor of intervention in the government," according to the dictionary of the RAE, in its 1984 edition, the second meaning, as "domination of the people in the political government of a State" . It is therefore, intervention and domination of the people is the theory, but in Spain una vez que el pueblo vota, acaba el intervenir en las decisiones gubernamentales, muchas de las cuales nos desagradan, molestan y pueden motivan su rechazo.

Así, que no hay democracia, el pueblo no gobierna, sólo vota, y vota no lo que desea, sino lo que le inducen y le ponen delante en listas cerradas, sin poder añadir ni quitar; no elige a sus propios representantes, políticos de su distrito, cercanos y conocidos, que responderán ante ellos y no ante la dirección del Partido. No hay democracia, porque no existe, ni se huele la división de poderes, sólo el engranaje de los partidos políticos nos amordaza y lo copa todo: imponen el Ejecutivo de la Nación, los Autonómicos, el mando government and the judiciary, the components of T. Constitution, members of the State Council, the Bank of Spain, the CNMV, the Committee on Energy, Snuff, the Defense of Competition, savings banks, English Radio Television, the regional, and even private ones, have so very much power, that leave nothing untouched. Here there is no democracy, because its internal network and its operation are not democratic, made and unmade at will, allowing anti-impunity, while burning flags and photos of the King, look down and cornered the English language, call for consultations independence, proclaiming wind Tide and disobedience to judgments judicial coerced to T. Constitutional open embassies and squander the money, and nobody here puts on the table because there is nobody to enforce the law and the law prevail.

here abounds bad governance, mismanagement and misrepresentation; premium folly incited by extremists on grounds of incompetence and lack of accountability in the vast majority of politicians who encourage them, give them field and take advantage of their harmful and unsupportive separatism, here, is breaking an effective remedy and formally violent standards, to ensure compliance with the law as, but not in its content which is clearly contrary to its spirit. Many statutes parties engage in fraud law. Turn to the articles, sixth and twenty-third of the English Constitution. To this is added the absence of independent unions and serious, not hanging on the mamandurria and subsidy, living as Miss, Marcelino Camacho ask that every day he went to work at Perkin.

There is a divorce between citizens and politicians, people are tired and sick of scam, so much so Marroneo and thug who believed that politics is their way of personal enrichment, which the savings banks are the farm and city councils to remove the vein of huge profits, are sick of status, of both nationalism and independence, both abuse and division, both spending and waste, so many autonomies, which only his own, set up in farmhouses and luxury accommodation in this game alive and hung vivillos living conducive to the udder.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Watchexplotasion Films


Hello companys, this Sunday is the tour that goes to Sitges.

For security reasons, I will not go to that trip.
cars have no respect and are cornering too hard against the mountain at the back and the wall around the truth do not enjoy the trip and to be suffering not going all the way ...

For if a partner does not want to do that output for the same reasons which I, you know I'm going to Areny de Mar. ..
I will leave at the same time marking the newsletter is at 08:15.
If you decide to come let me know by phone.
I go down the river and you wait in Sant Adria. Greetings

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Creating Church Programs Samples

Tour Ullastrell

Ullastrell Excursion to have changes.
The restaurant Ca La Maria is closed in August, so we will lunch at the bar Castellbisbal Casal-Casino located in the C / Pau Casals, 7


Staying In House Cause Sore Throat

Spain and its flag. Zapatero

During the "Transition" is committed (in my opinion) in Spain a series of political blunders whose consequences, in many respects, still suffer.

In those days when the party of the CDU, led by Adolfo Suarez, was holding the helm of the English future, the president himself made a statement that Smith was trying to express, the great and necessary change intended to give the life of Spain in most respects, not only in political but, at the time, was the most important in order to undertake other from positions and standard logic: "We intend to raise normal category which, at street level, is simply normal. ".

But in those moments, missed a great opportunity to standardize many aspects of national life. It is true, and deserves to be recognized and valued, the example that Spain gave to the world in those years. By making a transition from a regime like the one left, to one of the most advanced democracies in the world today free and all this was, without major problems.

A misguided, progressivism which was then moved to wide sectors of politics and English society in general now, no one knew, or could not, address the part of those new Founding Fathers.

So, something so simple and normal as displaying the national flag in any of your personal items or any item of clothing, became a facade sign, reminiscent of Franco Yser enemy of change and the freedoms that some progressive bring trash said, ignoring Spain itself was the defendant and who was putting on his land. Refer to your country like Spain, was synonymous with fascist and politically incorrect. Even in the Parliament (recall) was subtly avoided the name of Spain, replacing the country (hence the famous phrase that Vizcaíno Casas: .. this country, formerly known as Spain ..).

That subject was the product of a strong complex that influenced our political leaders created unfortunately by certain current outdated and absurd vindictiveness repressed fundamental and logically from the political left, which still preserves reminiscences important in large national sectors.

Thus was formed the spirit of a generation of españolitos Liberals, rivals of a "68" that had only heard, so incomprehensible to them and old-fashioned in those years, extraordinarily receptive to break with the English past and that a large majority, he could not be able to distinguish between a country, Spain, its symbols and a political regime was crumbling under its own weight to make way for a state approved modern countries.
These complexes generated the inability to standardize such matters and led to certain political forces to take servile and abject positions in favor of archaic local nationalism at the expense of a philosophy national unity that the Constitution enshrines as a fundamental and uncontroversial.

been 35 years, and so destroyed that policy, affection, respect and pride for our flag, we reinstated the English football team, the world champions in the last championship held in South Africa.

Today, there are many people that boasts a English flag. Now, finally, is the flag of Spain. The flag of all. I forget what happened before. I feel happy. Finally, Spain has its flag. Labor cost. Now I only have in my house. And do not put on the bracelet and my watch or on the lapel of my shirt. Now Spain is already represented in the world through football ... Do not you be ashamed to politicians ...?

Friday, August 27, 2010

Zola Girdles In Movies


Anem to pagès ...

What field beans ...


A kitten that cute ...

Esther ... MMMM what I take, this or this ....

Come point and two ...

How weighs ...

Friday, July 16, 2010

Carpet For Stairs Not Connected


  • November 1988: Artists Association LA CORUÑA.
  • May 1989: Exhibition Hall Caixa Ourense VALDEORRAS OR BOAT.
  • June 1989: MADRID Postal Museum.
  • August 1989: House of Culture of the City Monforte de Lemos (Lugo).
  • May 1990: Showroom PO Box LA CORUÑA .
  • November 1990: Museo Postal / Telegraph MADRID Palacio Communications.
  • September 1991: Gallery Public Works and Transport Ministry MADRID .
  • September / October 1991 : Exhibition Hall PO Box LA CORUÑA.
  • December 1991: Museo Postal / Telegraph MADRID Palacio de Comunicaciones .
  • June 1992: Cultural Center of LA CORUÑA Monforte .
  • June 1993: Artists Association LA CORUÑA.
  • November 1996: Artists Association LA CORUÑA.
  • June 2001: Artists Association LA CORUÑA.
  • October 2006: Artists Association LA CORUÑA.
  • May 2008: Group Exhibition (10 artists, 10 sensitivities) LA CORUÑA Artists Association.
  • July 2009: Art Exhibition-2009 Góis do PORTUGAL.
  • September 2009: International Competition IV OROSO ARTS - 2009.
  • October 2009: Association of Artists of La Coruna.

Canker Sore Swollen Glands Tight Jaw


TITLE: Dock de La Coruña. TECHNICAL
: Oil on Canvas Painting

made for the exhibition held from 1 to 15 August 2008 in
Artists Association of La Coruña, dedicated to 800th anniversary of the City.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Milena Velba Als Santa


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How To Change Brake Pads On A 2009 Mondeo


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My Fingertips Are Numb And White


Monday, July 12, 2010

Sheldon Folding Clothes


Sunday, July 11, 2010

What Is The Weight Limit On A 14 Foot Boat


Saturday, July 10, 2010

How To Make A Ice Skating Cake


Friday, July 9, 2010

Disable Onboard Graphics Hp Dx2250


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sore Underneath Upper Lip

blame for the crisis made to pensioners, employees and officials.

Zapatero on Tuesday, the president we thought was an inept, which was getting to Spain to disaster, because big was coming over, could not sleep. In this third year of this crisis that the Government refused, the international community has said enough. And we discovered that Zapatero, a bad person. A person who chooses to freeze pensions and remove the check baby before removing superfluous ministries that he has created, and Congress has ordered eliminate can not be considered decent. After several attacks he, the EU described as 'insufficient' the penultimate improvisation ZP: at least cut the deficit. Angela Merkel pointed out to Spain and Portugal, as the main responsible for the difficulties being experienced by the Euro. The IMF does not trust measures ZP and the OECD points to Spain as the country that suffer the crisis. But what you lose sleep Zapatero has been the last-minute call from Washington: Obama urged him to put the batteries.

In a world like today, interpolate and interdependence can not manage the economy considering the electoral revenue. With things to eat is not played. Zapatero is neither a statesman nor a statesman. You may recognize some of the political smell. But not the wit to conclude that in these times can not govern on his back the world or back to the economy. In what seemed like the burial ceremony as a politician, Zapatero, visibly shaken at the rostrum of the parliament for the corrections he has received from Brussels and Washington, and marked as a dangerous political and defeated, and no one trusts, has announced a battery austerity measures. The rescue of Greece is a strong blow to European economies and the mere thought of having to rescue a country like Spain causes many to prefer it over the disintegration of the union. Measures are imposed from outside, which almost entirely rest on the weak and needy, specifically those who have nothing to do with economic disaster and that more are suffering. All this takes place, by the glut of half the world to watch as the inexperience of Zapatero, who has gone from an amusing eccentricity English to one of the most serious threat to Western economies.

measures, although unfair, incomplete and rather unbalanced, I hope to be effective and help Spain to leave the drama that no signs of departure, walking. Never in recent history, Spain had received so much criticism and pressure from the community refocus international economic policy. This raises questions not so much of the country's sovereignty, completely disoriented, through the foolishness of the Prime Minister, but the ability of our government to take charge of the English economy.

That bad night, Zapatero has cobbled together four or five star measures, and the tun-tun, with which it is presented to the Congress with no opposition or the public, but to the international community. Zapatero in an arbitrary and unfair actions, he prefers to be reduced by five percent the salary of officials, not at fault for what is happening. Before sending their respective homes Manuel Chaves, third vice useless government of Spain, Bibiana Aido, whose ministry is an absurdity, or other unnecessary ministers and thousands of consultants, plugged, party colleagues, family and friends of politicians who are now paid by the State without providing nothing. the English have always given a truth and seriousness to the international community refused to breed political situation in Spain. But the rush Socialists have failed to meet its commitments to the unions. With

misnamed majority unions, UGT and CCOO Yes, those that are the ones who represent themselves and the interests of their leaders and union released and Zapatero buy his silence and take every year one hundred ninety-three million euros. Has resulted in them a slight groan. Who are going to be really offended by the latest grim improvisation of the President are officials, whose wages will fall by 5%, and pensioners, whose pensions were frozen in 2011 even though the taxes continue to rise through the roof.

is not hard to remember that the PP did not freeze the salaries of officials, not reduced, did not touch the pension fund was established and was assured that nurtured the surplus, to accomplish this with a serious and rigorous economic policy . I remember a crutch heavily exploited by Zapatero in that blamed the Popular Party, to cut social rights have frozen the salaries of officials as an emergency measure to enter the Euro. I also remember, as the PSOE tried to sell it with the Popular Party, pensions were at risk. Nor can I forget that Zapatero, stated in Parliament that if cut never ruled social rights.

I think I remember, and besides, many English people believe him, they also remember the day (May 12, 2010), the day from the podium of the Congress of Deputies, Zapatero defended a decrease of five percent the salary of officials and the freezing of pensions. Will a good memory exercise. Luckily

been lowered by 15 percent the salary of ministers, the only measure that the English people have received with applause.

prefers throwing on the back of weaker English most of the weight of the sacrifice that Spain has to do that Zapatero's mistakes committed. With an arrogance, chutzpah of a man unfit it reflected in his face that is already a political corpse, has not had the shamelessness to ask forgiveness for the mistakes it has made, has not recognized that if it had undertaken reforms and just over a year when the opposition, experts and international agencies asked for it, Spain would have saved billions of euros, well over a million unemployed, the enormous sacrifices that lie ahead for all the English and the shame of being identified in all the world as the worst example of bad governance, disrepute, damage, waste and shamelessness as a country.

Without the slightest dignity, incredibly attached to his office, despite having been humiliated in the world and have turned Spain into a protectorate of Brussels and Washington. Zapatero has offered to the English, the Congress of Deputies, the hardest of the images of the huge mistake made by those who voted 2004 and 2008, they are all complicit in the current downfall of Spain and the misdeeds of the worst president in a government of Spain from the felon Fernando VII. Possibly

Zapatero, has no trouble sleeping tonight, and as they say, sleep soundly but I want to remember from here, surely in many English homes and families, tonight, the Lights do not turn off until it begins to lighten the sky, will these houses, mostly civil servants and pensioners who try to balance the books and meet some payments or lower or freeze, what they do is grow. And the leaves are bundled and calculators resound in heads the request Zapatero us for three years. 'A small effort. " What effort do you Mr. President Rodríguez Zapatero?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Whats The Top Speed Of A 2007 Honda Trx400ex

What Spain needs is more democracy.

Spain is sick. The society does not trust politicians and demand a reform of electoral law and the Constitution because it is the only medium that makes possible a regeneration democratic political system was established with the Constitution of 1978 that has aged prematurely, degraded and a victim of bad government. Without trust in institutions and leaders, there is no democracy. The polls begin to disclose that policy, rather than the solution, is a problem and is one of the main concerns of the English, along with unemployment, economy, housing and street crime.

The correct diagnosis of the English drama is the "degeneracy" of political and democratic system, to the discredit of politicians, disappointment and distrust of the citizenry, the right recipe is already invented and was noted by Alfred Emanuel Smith, when said "all the ills of democracy can be cured by more democracy."

Citizens are entitled to many things that politicians, arrogant, and suicidal deny us. We are entitled to be taken into account and be seen for what they are, the true owners of sovereignty. We have the right to elect representatives and that representatives are accountable to us. Eradicating the antidemocratic closed and blocked lists that make political parties, who make these lists, in the real voters. We are entitled to be told the truth and may require that politicians who lie by entering prison system. We have the right to respect for the political will of the majority. We have the right to respect for the separation of powers and the effective and equal justice, with everyone. The public has a right to political to be honest because corruption is paid with jail. You have the right to govern those who have been graced with a majority vote. You have the right to close them over to those parties hinges have become masters of blackmail and control power to a ridiculous and insignificant handful of votes. You have the right to a civil society is strong and is not strangled by politicians. You are entitled to a thousand other things, proper democracy in Spain have been settled by a haughty and frivolous party politics, with its corrupt and despotic behavior, being killed day by day, the system.

And the only prescription, that it occurs to me, is as Smith said, "More democracy."