Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How To Conglaturate Wedding

Democracy?, Is this democratic?

Democracy, a word of Greek origin (demos, people, and kratos, government, authority). Can be defined as "the political doctrine in favor of intervention in the government," according to the dictionary of the RAE, in its 1984 edition, the second meaning, as "domination of the people in the political government of a State" . It is therefore, intervention and domination of the people is the theory, but in Spain una vez que el pueblo vota, acaba el intervenir en las decisiones gubernamentales, muchas de las cuales nos desagradan, molestan y pueden motivan su rechazo.

Así, que no hay democracia, el pueblo no gobierna, sólo vota, y vota no lo que desea, sino lo que le inducen y le ponen delante en listas cerradas, sin poder añadir ni quitar; no elige a sus propios representantes, políticos de su distrito, cercanos y conocidos, que responderán ante ellos y no ante la dirección del Partido. No hay democracia, porque no existe, ni se huele la división de poderes, sólo el engranaje de los partidos políticos nos amordaza y lo copa todo: imponen el Ejecutivo de la Nación, los Autonómicos, el mando government and the judiciary, the components of T. Constitution, members of the State Council, the Bank of Spain, the CNMV, the Committee on Energy, Snuff, the Defense of Competition, savings banks, English Radio Television, the regional, and even private ones, have so very much power, that leave nothing untouched. Here there is no democracy, because its internal network and its operation are not democratic, made and unmade at will, allowing anti-impunity, while burning flags and photos of the King, look down and cornered the English language, call for consultations independence, proclaiming wind Tide and disobedience to judgments judicial coerced to T. Constitutional open embassies and squander the money, and nobody here puts on the table because there is nobody to enforce the law and the law prevail.

here abounds bad governance, mismanagement and misrepresentation; premium folly incited by extremists on grounds of incompetence and lack of accountability in the vast majority of politicians who encourage them, give them field and take advantage of their harmful and unsupportive separatism, here, is breaking an effective remedy and formally violent standards, to ensure compliance with the law as, but not in its content which is clearly contrary to its spirit. Many statutes parties engage in fraud law. Turn to the articles, sixth and twenty-third of the English Constitution. To this is added the absence of independent unions and serious, not hanging on the mamandurria and subsidy, living as Miss, Marcelino Camacho ask that every day he went to work at Perkin.

There is a divorce between citizens and politicians, people are tired and sick of scam, so much so Marroneo and thug who believed that politics is their way of personal enrichment, which the savings banks are the farm and city councils to remove the vein of huge profits, are sick of status, of both nationalism and independence, both abuse and division, both spending and waste, so many autonomies, which only his own, set up in farmhouses and luxury accommodation in this game alive and hung vivillos living conducive to the udder.


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