Friday, April 22, 2011

How To Write A Church Theme

Another attack Spanish Socialist Democracy.

The Government concludes the politicization of regulatory agencies
Zapatero's government back to advance on its path of contempt and assault on democracy, which has removed all the quality and decency. Now seeking to overhaul the state regulatory bodies, wrongly called "independent", putting them to their members and senior staff.

other deterioration is more of English democracy, supported by a government who daily farther from the advanced democracies closer to the banana and totalitarian world.

months late, but fulfilling the terms of the Law of Sustainable Economy, the Government will propose the beginning of the renewal of the members of two of the most significant regulatory agencies: the National Energy Commission Market Commission of Telecommunications.

The Secretary of State for Telecommunications, Bernardo Lorenzo, will be the new president of the Commission's Telecommunications Market, after the next meeting of the Council of Ministers, and most likely, Carlos OcaƱa, Secretary of State for Finance, will replace Maite Costa as head of the National Energy Commission.

This crude maneuver, which would be inadmissible in any Western democracy that is provided is a move by the Socialist Party. So outstanding militants intended to place the supervisors to let them in charge of them during the early years of popular mandate, if they manage to win the election, after electoral debacle already provided.

The decision makes clear, despite the disappointment and rejection citizen the Socialists have no choice and are determined to manipulate democracy for which they benefit them and their pockets and not the people or the English nation.

Many analysts and experts fear that the PSOE, with the likelihood of losing the next election, try to embed your pictures in many other organs and institutions. The greatest fear is focused on seeking to renew before the deadline also the Bank of Spain Governor and Deputy Governor of the supervising agency.

Lest we are accused of passivity, the popular, trying to avoid this attack socialist democratic decency, have been in Congress a bill to the presidents of the regulatory agencies and governing the economy that require independence and freedom in a democracy, are elected by the Congress of Deputies, with a majority of three-fifths. The PP tries to justify this initiative to position themselves in front of the bodies referred to people of most prestigious professional as possible.

However, this objective would not be easy because it seems that socialists, organized in reverse, rather than in preserving the cleanliness of democracy and the common good, are interested in put key pieces in the strategic areas of power, so they look after their interests as citizens responsible government People's Party.


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