intervention which roughly to wanted us to understand the fundamental problems of European politicians to deal with today. This has been, with all due respect to the other speakers along with a presentation by Professor Bernard the best.
To understand the current EU. Mayor Oreja said, and to understand and diagnose the reason for the crisis we must move away from the categorical and great views make judgments about the same outright.
Those people, who make categorical assertions and judgments, did not foresee the crisis and the brutal extent that is having the same while, if you live in expectation of the same solutions can only occur in day to day, the lapse of the crisis itself.
Be humble says Mayor, and act with humility that is what they should do the experts and those who made categorical statements and outright and have not managed to provide, what we now suffer.
says Mayor Oreja, for Diagnose and priorities of the EU, which is changing society.
In times of crisis we live, the crisis is everything, and everything to the EU. This crisis, explained that is uncertain because no one knows what is going to be and as far as going to work. It is therefore unpredictable.
has explained very clearly, Mr. Mayor Oreja, that this whole approach is superimposed on the crisis of values. Crisis in which resides the uncertainty, said Mayor, and which gives rise to another crisis that no one speaks, is another crisis of values.
in the EU. and Spain, it is producing a phenomenon of the imbalance, as it has lived beyond our means, explained very well D. Jaime.
And for that, quite rightly said, take economic and financial measures, but these are not everything.
must listen, and respond saying, experts, intellectuals, this crisis is no more crisis. It is a crisis not only economic and financial.
should be looking at history and observe the consequences of the crisis of 1929, not to derive and grow to a great tragedy.
has exhibited Mr. Mayor Oreja very well that this crisis also means social crisis and real economic crisis, so the most talked crisis, flip the various crises.
This is because, according to Mr. Jaime Mayor, the diagnosis EU.
To which set out priorities, priorities that the Decalogue has become a regeneration of the EU.
The solution is and is, as has been stated Mayor Oreja, our ability to modify the actions (social, human, family, institutional, ...) and the ability to change the person and this process of change in attitude in Spain and Europe, the solution for the regeneration of the European Union.
The Decalogue feedback from the EU, according to Jaime Mayor, will be:
1. culture regeneration effort.
2. knowledge and knowledge away from what politically correct at the EU level.
3. Place, assimilate and learn the five problems of the Europeans to solve. These problems, and these issues will be: First, understand the role of the EU. and its institutions before the crisis. Second, have a common immigration policy. Third, have a common policy to combat terrorism, freedom and security. Fourth, having common European response to energy and environment and Fifth and last: having a common foreign and defense policy.
4. The urgent need for the reestablishment of the scheme of European political parties so that they are the best example of European regeneration with cohesion and strength of party.
5. Learn regenerate, the functioning of European institutions.
6. Betting on technology development and languages.
7. Understand, that relativism is against the interests of the EU. since in the EU. must have certain values.
8. regeneration has to be common sense. Then it must be cohesive, and European political parties.
9. has to be, a sense of transatlantic relations.
10. Politicians have to dare and know the truth.
To end his speech, Mr. Mayor Oreja, has explained very well that in Spain the same thing happens in Europe over the huge expansion that there is cancer in Spain. Spain, in addition to the economic problem, has the real economy and all expandidísimo, compared with Europe.
In Spain, besides the economic crisis, the crisis of the real economy and stock, is a national crisis, a crisis of nation says Don Jaime Mayor Oreja. So not worth
with applying the theory to more crises, more relativism that would be a grave error.
therefore important thing for Spain is going to be and will be in the bridge of the EU, Spain has to enter the bridge, although this has to make great efforts.
So there are two options, or relativism or effort. Thus ended his speech and the conference were closed.
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