In this day, October 28, 2008 have been opened the conference "Europe at the Crossroads."
These days, are responsible for opening during 2008 - 2009 of the European Chair Jean Monnet.
These days correspond to two days, in the order of today, for the inauguration have done: Juan Fernando Lopez Aguilar, Miguel Angel Navarro Portera and Maximiliano Bernad and Alvarez de Eulate in various speeches all with regard to Europe and the European Union later move to form a panel, moderated by Jose Luis Valero editor of the political section of Heraldo de Aragón.
According to Professor and Professor of Public International Law at the University of Zaragoza, Don Maximiliano Bernad, this is the most important event of the European Chair Jean Monnet.
If I have to stay with some of the speeches this morning, no doubt I will, with Mr. Don Juan Fernando López Aguilar. Intervention
entitled Europe to the European Parliament elections 2009.
In the speech, the speaker has tried as he himself has said, be useful as it was faced with a mainly young audience, has also said try not to be partisan, but that is no doubt that more than one time has been.
In general, wanted to come to explain, Europe and the European Union, its importance in the very near future and how it affects us and our responsibility to the citizens.
After a historical nuance, explaining the origin of the EU, other founding treaties, and some of their core competencies explained, such as Europe and the creation of the EU. is successful when done from the right and from the streamlining democratic.
After a thorough explanation, and detailed the most important treaties, as well as establishing the EU project. has come to explain the weight and the need for Europe and a European Union in recent years, when it is producing the shift towards globalization, Europe imports in that globalization and not only the countries that were founders of the EU. but all imported.
Europe, said in the future constitutional process has to take an important place to the pillars of freedom, security and justice. All they have to transform the EU.
To this is added the future to be a civilian power.
In the near future, and on the horizon for European elections in June 2009, is the creation of the security agency, but also of justice and freedom.
Elections, said Lopez Aguilar, have to be an opportunity to learn and know the importance the EU. have and to create a public space of the city, to avoid that and use those topics democratic deficit of EU initiatives.
Europe, the future plays in the election is over and so the city has to know.
Europe has said, which is like a fragmented political ideal, not only in Spain if not at the level of the whole Union.
Thus, for Lopez Aguilar elections are a challenge to create a public space for the European citizen.
why it has sent a message to young people, that we filled the room, encourage and challenge to see Europe through Erasmus Anyway, Ibercaja Scholarship to work in the European Council ...
Living in Europe, said calls for a multidimensional personality of citizens and must be made compatible in all administrative areas of the state.
In question time, both the panel and its own involvement, many young people have taken the word to ask you some questions relating to various topics, including future have been proposed composition of parliament ...
As far as I'm concerned, asking for radical change in foreign policy and international levels with the change of government in Spain five years ago.
I responded, did not share my point, and that did not change foreign policy because it is very difficult to do in a few years.
also has released a pullita to the media, saying that my opinion is due to the mediating efforts of some media.
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