of the most positive thing for the Washington summit, the slowdown given by Bush to interventionism states, which will be short, perhaps the duration of his presidency because the world, unfortunately and much to my regret, is headed toward a kind of socialism light, however, retains the old socialism, socialism, the central role of historical State against the individual and the devaluation of the city, whose fate is being manipulated and deceived by the "breed" of political power.
If no one remedy, and it seems that we go, the world will be dragged into a blatant interventionism, a sort of soft dictatorship of the proletariat. That is, an oligarchy controlled by inept politicians, like Zapatero, Pepin and his cronies and political descendants, but thirsty for power and privilege that only teachers are cheating, lying and manipulation to make people believe that you are the boss with the help of a media subject us daily highlight popular sovereignty and importance of citizens and their votes.
have gathered in Washington to reform the finances, but have no standing or authority to do so, see Zapatero. His ideas and reforms have to be imposed by force. His greatest sin is the fact, to ignore the obvious: that much more urgent to rebuild the capitalist, is to merge the values \u200b\u200band ethical leadership and introduce a policy jets is losing the ability to convince, who will no longer excited, that nothing in the lie that has become an exercise in clumsy, arrogant, arbitrary and addicted to control and privilege.
To overcome the crisis, the only way to strengthen democracy, values, leadership and ownership of the city, but that solution will not come out of politicians hungry for power than in the back of their minds despise the city and only intended to subdue them.
Without a revival of democracy, moral values \u200b\u200band the role of the citizen, the crisis can only be covered with concrete and encased in a sarcophagus, as they did with the radiation poisoning Chernobyl.
Politicians, in its present form, the people disengaged, alienated, arrogant, wasteful and inefficient, are the problem, not the solution. And metaphysics makes it impossible for the same problem may arise the solution.
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