Sunday, November 2, 2008

Suit With Shirt Untucked

Zapatero, the superhero and superpresidente that save us from the crisis. The Queen spoke

The reality is that Zapatero told us a few days ago there was no crisis and that we were at the forefront of the global economy. I have the conviction knowing that lying and brutality but it is true that the crisis was short because we are heading for recession, according to the Bank of Spain, so Zapatero goes through the world of Bush trying to let him into that thing the summit because it has the remedy to fix the use Tiberium mounted.

Who can trust an expert in crisis and recessions that not only do not see it coming but when the top is trying to convince all and sundry that the economy is a wonderful thing?.

The number one argument of the socialists against this crisis and recession is pure and simple, is so trite that the PP not only does not help to solve but glad that things go wrong so they can plunge this stigma Zapatero. Of what they do not realize is that these socialist Zapatero really do give samples were happy with the crisis since there was no blame is attributed to Bush and the liberal type who knows how. See this great man's smile as he washes his hands in the waters of the national strike is demeaning.

The next argument is clear. If you are the top and arranged the thing will be because he gave the solution, if not fix it because they ignored her. If not go to the summit and will not fix anything because he does not listen and if you fix it because he and only he managed to get on top your prescription saving.

The super economic expert who governs us having no idea of \u200b\u200beconomics repajolera made known after the offer someone to teach him in two evenings, wants to be El Salvador's economy in the galaxy, as it has the magic solution is known essential, and evil is to believe it. We must joerse! However, in case it were true that find even despite their shortages, take the opportunity to offer encouragement. Zapatero, although no longer save them!


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